On a sadder note, I had a 200 year old Mousehole anvil slip through my fingers last week.
Exactly like this one!
A gentleman was selling his Great Granfather's 152lbs M&H Armitage mousehole anvil from the 1820's for a dollar a pound. I called him up, we made a deal at $150, and as I was driving up there he called me to say he got a better offer. I matched it at $175, and continued on my way, the he calls again. It seems my competitor has a smithing museum in Arizona, and wants this anvil for his collection due to a small repair to the face that he thinks was done pre 1850's. $200 and no chance to match, even after I called this guy and gave him my "I'm too broke for an anvil and I just wanna craft some metal" sob story. Phoooey on them. We had a deal, TWICE! It should be In my garage right now. Oh well. The search continues.