Saturday, November 16, 2013

A possibility

I'm meeting with the owner of this awesome Homestead museum sometime this week to see about volunteering and possibly working in his blacksmith shop! If all else fails I'll get to do a little historic preservation work, something I've always been interested in.

On a sadder note, I had a 200 year old Mousehole anvil slip through my fingers last week. 

Exactly like this one!
A gentleman was selling his Great Granfather's  152lbs M&H Armitage mousehole anvil from the 1820's for a dollar a pound. I called him up, we made a deal at $150, and as I was driving up there he called me to say he got a better offer. I matched it at $175, and continued on my way, the he calls again. It seems my competitor has a smithing museum in Arizona, and wants this anvil for his collection due to a small repair to the face that he thinks was done pre 1850's. $200 and no chance to match, even after I called this guy and gave him my "I'm too broke for an anvil and I just wanna craft some metal" sob story. Phoooey on them. We had a deal, TWICE! It should be In my garage right now. Oh well. The search continues.


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